All dogs are not equal.

Different dogs learn in different ways, and at different speeds. Don’t be frustrated if you aren’t seeing the results you want right away. This is the main reason Pawsitive Results Training focuses on private in […]

Doggy Daycare

Doggy daycare is not an alternative to formal dog training. Let me start by saying I highly recommend doggy daycare, especially for high energy and super playful dogs. However, don’t think that you are going […]

Break Time

Sometimes when things aren’t working, take a break. This does not only apply to training your dog, but also in life.

Me Time

You are an important part of your dog’s training and they need you to be your very best. So make sure you take some time to take care of yourself.


You get what you give. If you put a 100% effort into training your dog, your dog will give you 100% right back. If you half ass train your dog you’re still going to have […]

Back To Basics

So I had a memory come up today on my Facebook page in regards to my training of ZeeNa. She had become a bit of a testy puppy. I was told that her breed was […]

Teach Them Now

There are some misconceptions out there. One of the things I tend to hear a lot is ‘Oh he’s just a puppy he’ll outgrow that.’ Truth of the matter is no he will not. You […]

Well Trained

To have a well-trained dog, you need to be committed to reinforcing the training tasks on nearly a daily basis for the first year of your puppy’s life. After that you should still be consistent […]

Ask Questions

If your dog goes to doggy daycare or you are considering doggy daycare be sure to interview the staff and management. Ask what they use to clean with and if your dog could possibly come […]


Your dog has all the potential. However, you have to be willing to put in the time and effort.